The Craft of Coaching

Your life beyond 50 does not have to be predestined by the past; this could be the best time of your life!

All it takes is a new belief, a partnership, and a plan. Join Bruce for this exciting course that will show you step by step exactly what to do to become a successful coach and consultant in your field of expertise. Everything from beginner to ICF certification - The software, psychological assessments, OKR's, practice management and an amazing LinkedIn process to find your ideal clients.

Do what you love, and love doing it, all while generating a new stream of income you were unsure was possible.

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You've spent years learning the finer points of your profession.

It's time to learn how to pass that knowledge on. Using the skills you have collected over a lifetime of first hand experience in your field and this amazing collection of tools that Bruce has curated over his years, you will come out of this course knowing how to impart your knowledge to those up-and-coming in their career.

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You've spent years learning the finer points of your profession.

It's time to learn how to pass that knowledge on. Using the skills you have collected over a lifetime of first hand experience in your field and this amazing collection of tools that Bruce has curated over his years, you will come out of this course knowing how to impart your knowledge to those up-and-coming in their career.

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Program Details

Module One
A Powerful Coaching Model and Your Access to Great Results


What the Hell is Water

Your First Steps with a Client

Getting Real - Putting Something at Stake

Module Two
The All Important First Few Sessions

Your First Complete Session

The Structure of a Coaching Session

Module Three
Using OKR's to Supercharge Your Coaching and Your Life

Introducing OKR's in Coaching

The OKR Advantage in Coaching

Using OKR's in a Coaching Engagement

Using the GTMhub Software

Bonus lesson!

Module Four
The Art, Craft and Theory of Effective Coaching Conversations

The Heart of a Coaching Session - Art and Theory

Art and Theory Pt. 2

4 Mock Session

The Art and Theory of Coaching Summary

Module Five
Your Truth, Ideal Client and Your Path to Building a Successful Practice

Intro to The Hogan Assessment

Using The Hogan MVPI

The Hogan HPI


The Leadership Circle 360 Assessment

Module Six
Setting up your Practice, Finding Your Ideal Client and Getting the ICF Certification

Your Best Path to Finding Clients

Your Ideal Clients and Creating Your Offer

Using LinkedIn Navigator

You've spent years putting in the time and learning the skills.

Now it's time to put all of that knowledge to work for you.

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